Carpenter's Mortuary Spook House
Every haunted house has a story and if you ask the phantoms who hang out in Gentry’s old mortuary, they might tell you theirs. It’s true that most encounters with them have been described as little more than HELLISH SCREAMING followed by the sensation of having flesh pealed from bone. But on rare, quiet nights, they’ve been known to flit around the place, gibbering about the past, about the Carpenter Building . . . and what happened there. If you listen closely, you might hear them whisper about the year 1929, about Eunice “Mother” Carpenter, and how the thought of her erecting such a highfalutin structure in such a bush-league town was downright laughable. But that’s what she did. She hired a big-shot architect to design it, and it was the weirdest, topsy-turviest monster he ever created—half department store, half death parlor; a place where you could buy everything from carnival glass to mustache wax, and then have grandpa’s autopsy and funeral performed, all under one roof.